A foot drop occurs when the muscles on the front of the leg are paralyzed or extremely weak. This means that they can not lift up (or dorsiflex) the foot and it wants to drag on the ground. The most common cause of this condition is a neurological problem in which the nerve supply to Continue reading →
The most common cause of pain on the outside or lateral side of the foot is a condition usually called cuboid syndrome. The cuboid is a bone that is about half way down the outside of the foot and acts as a pulley for the tendon of a large muscle on the outside of the Continue reading →
Overpronation or excessive pronation can be a problem that leads to a range of problems, especially in athletes. Overpronation occurs when the ankle collapses inward and the arch of the foot flattens. This creates alignment and weight bearing problems that can be painful if combined with higher levels of sports activity. There are many different Continue reading →
There are many causes of pain in the low back and one of the least common is a condition called ankylosing spondylitis. This is a type of arthritis the primarily affects the spine, but does eventually affect most of the joints in the body. It can take many years to get a diagnosis as it Continue reading →