The back of the heel bone, just where the achilles tendon inserts into it can be bigger in some people than in others. In those in which it is bigger, this is known as a ‘pump bump‘ as the enlargement is just where the pump style shoes can rub on it. The other name that Continue reading →
The foot is really important in golf. At first glance it may not seem so, but can the foot carry someone through 18 holes of golf or not? There are a large number of different foot problems that can either be caused by the volume of activity needed to play a round of golf or Continue reading →
A gait analysis is an assessment of the way that someone runs or walks. Everyone walks differently and more often than not, those variations are not a problem. Sometimes the variations are more pronounced and can contribute to symptoms that develop in people. The purpose of the gait analysis is to try and identify those Continue reading →
Foot manipulation is defined as as a rapid forceful movement of a joint of the foot. It is similar to what chiropractors do to the back. More and more clinicians from different disciplines are fusing foot manipulation to treat a wide range of conditions of the foot. The scientific evidence for its use is mixed Continue reading →