There are many different structures in the ball of the foot, so there will be many different causes of pain in that area. This means that it is going to be difficult to generalize as to what causes pain in or on the ball of the foot. There could be problems with the skin sch as a corn or callus or a chilblain. There could be a pinched nerve (Morton’s neuroma). The could be one of several different types of arthritis. There could be a problem with the bone such as a stress fracture. The could be a condition called plantar plate dysfunction that affects one or more of the joints in the forefoot. Or there could be a problem with the fat pad. Each of these conditions has a different cause and a different set of symptoms. A careful history and assessment is needed to arrive at the right diagnosis. Only then can the right treatment be given.
Famous Words of Inspiration...
"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work."