Plantar fasciitis is a common problem, probably the most common skeletal problem seen by Podiatrists with many different approaches to its management. A new study just published compared stretching to strengthening in people with plantar fasciitis and found the strengthening group did better. There is some detail here on the strengthening exercises used, however all Continue reading →
Saddle bone deformity is a enlargement of bone on the top of the foot just in front of the ankle. That is the part of the foot that often gets referred to as the saddle. The technical name for this is a dorsal metatarsal cuneiform exostosis. Dorsal means top. The base of the first metatarsal Continue reading →
There are so many podiatry and related conferences now that its difficult to pick and choose between which one to attend. You don’t want to miss out on anything, but then again you do not want to waste time and money at a conference you get nothing from. There are so many options online now Continue reading →
I just started out here to blog about foot problems and foot care on Fridays. I did not see who I am as being that important, but since a few people have asked, this is me here. You can read about the clinic on PodiaPaedia.