This was posted on Facebook: It was caused following the use of a device that is available commercially for getting rid of heel callus. If you do this, be careful.
Fibromyalgia is a miserable disease to have. It is a chronic pain condition with trigger points throughout the body that people have to live with it, day in and day out. The cause is not clear but it is related to a genetic predisposition and sleep disturbances are a common characteristic. There are many different Continue reading →
She has multiple sclerosis and runs. Watch what happens around the 49 second mark of the video to see what happens to her legs at the end of a race. It is worth watching until the end to see how it pans out. For more: Running with Multiple Sclerosis (PodiaPaedia) and Running and multiple sclerosis Continue reading →
This has become someone of a fad from time to time. The idea being of you work and socialize in high heel shoes, then why not do a workout in them to become conditioned to using them. The advantages are that you become more stringer and stable in the shoes that are inherently problematic, so Continue reading →