Approximately 10 years back, the toning footwear had been all the fad. These were footwear which were speculated to help you tone up and obtain an extra workout whenever using them. A few actually advertised to be able to shape the “butts” and curative cellulite. That didn’t work out very good for the companies with Continue reading →
The most prevalent reason for heel pain in adults is a condition known as plantar fasciitis that make as much as 90% of the reasons. When considering kids, plantar fasciitis is actually rather unusual and the most frequent source of pain in the heel in kids being a problem generally known as Sever’s Disease. This Continue reading →
In the course of the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic in the wintertime there started to appear multiple reports coming from Italy and Spain of chilblains on the feet to be prevalent in people that have the coronavirus infection. Chilblains are certainly more widespread in the winter months, therefore initially it had not been clear Continue reading →
Podiatry or chiropody felt has many uses and can be used for self care to protect painful areas on the foot or toes. Podiatry felt generally comes in sheets of different sizes and thicknesses and can be cut to suit the individual problem