Autism is a complex disorder that impacts on how the person with it interacts with the people and environment about them. There is a very wide variety of clinical symptoms associated with autism, it is probably better terms autistic spectrum disorder. Some of the symptoms include repetitive behaviors, poor language development, and poor social interactions. Continue reading →
There are many causes of pain in the low back and one of the least common is a condition called ankylosing spondylitis. This is a type of arthritis the primarily affects the spine, but does eventually affect most of the joints in the body. It can take many years to get a diagnosis as it Continue reading →
A rupture of the Achilles tendon occurs in those who are at rick for it and simultaneously dorsiflex the foot and extend the knee. As the calf muscles and Achilles tendon cross both these joints, both these motions happening at the same time put a great load on the Achilles and if its is at Continue reading →
Chilblains occur in the winter and are the result of an abnormal response of the micro-circulation to changes in temperature. They are not due to poor circulation as many people with good circulation can get them. They are also not really due to the cold, but are more due to when a cold foot is Continue reading →