When you think of cycling at the moment, Lance Armstrong and the drugs scandal come to mind. What is less likely to come to mind are the sorts of problems that happen in the feet of cyclists. A look around the cycling communities show that problems with the feet are common and cyclists are often Continue reading →
Chi running is a particular approach to running that involves a more of a midfoot strike of the ground as opposed to the more usual heel strike. There are a number of books on Chi running, DVD’s and courses that you can take. A number of benefits have been claimed for this running technique, but Continue reading →
A compartment syndrome is a problem in athletes when the fascia that surrounds muscles are tight. During exercise muscles expand, so if the fascia is tight the expanding muscle can cause pain. There are a number of treatment options for compartment syndromes, but most often they need surgery to release the tight fascia so that Continue reading →
Corns on the toes are common and can be very painful. Corns form in response to too much pressure on a small area, such as the top of the toes or ends of the toes. More often than not the pressure is due to the fitting of the shoes, but the shape of the toes Continue reading →