A foot drop occurs when the muscles on the front of the leg are paralyzed or extremely weak. This means that they can not lift up (or dorsiflex) the foot and it wants to drag on the ground. The most common cause of this condition is a neurological problem in which the nerve supply to Continue reading →
Of course you can’t! But that does not stop people promoting it. The whole detox movement has been getting a lot of mileage and is based on removing toxins from the body. Pretty much every bit of science has totally debunked it, but that does not stop people promoting it. The idea of a foot Continue reading →
Foot odor or smelly feet can be an embarrassing problem and lead to some socially awkward situations. People with this problem just do not want to remove their shoes when other people are around and if they do it certainly makes them and the people around them uncomfortable. The actual odor comes from the action Continue reading →
Warts or verrucae are a commonly occurring skin problem. They most commonly occur on the hands and on the feet and can be painful on the feet as you walk on them. There are many different treatments for them, with various success rates for them. The problem with research on warts is that they tend Continue reading →