There has been a lot of comment on this shoe from Airia who they claim is the ‘biomechanically’ perfect running shoe Is it? There was a detailed analysis of the claims by Run Research Junkie in two blog posts: The new ‘biomechanically perfect’ running shoe from Airia? Another look at the performance claims by the Continue reading →
There is no doubt that running is probably one of the best ways to improve fitness and health. It is easy to go for a run, it can be done at any time and probably almost anywhere and you can do it by yourself or with a group. The benefits are well known and well Continue reading →
Homeopathy is an alternative or complementary approach to health care that makes a number of claims for it. Homeopathy involved the use of very diluted agents in water. There has been some suggestion that foo problems can be treated with it. However, every single clinical trial of homeopathy has shown that its does not work. Continue reading →
For years now we have been hearing about the minimalist or barefoot running fad which is now almost over as it failed to deliver the promised benefits and the science did not support all the claims being made for it. During this fad the super cushioned Hoka One One running shoes were releases to a Continue reading →