The Kinetic wedge is an extension to a foot orthotic that is patented by Howard Dananberg. The aim of this extension is to facilitate motion at the first metatarsophalangeal joint to treat functional hallux limitus. The Kinetic wedge hold the hallux in a dorsiflexed position and also elevates the lateral metatarsals. The effect of this Continue reading →
You may have seen all those elite athletes at recent Olympics games with the very pretty colored tape supporting various parts pf there body to treat and prevent injury. Is this tape effective or just a pretty placebo? Most of the research shows that it is not much better than a placebo. However, those that Continue reading →
The Jone fracture is named after a British orthopedic surgeon who had the fracture. Not surprisingly his name was Dr Bobert Jones! A Jones fracture is a fracture that occurs at the diaphysis of the fifth metatarsal of the foot, about half way down the outside of the foot. This type of fracture is characterized Continue reading →
Jacks test is a test that clinicians often use to check the integrity of the arch of the foot and its associated windlass mechanism. To do the test, you need to get the person standing and then grab the big toe and lift it up. As this happen the arch of the foot should come Continue reading →